It has never been easier to join a Fidalgo Island Rotary meeting! NOW is the time to check out The FUN Club! When in-person meetings stopped in March due to COVID-19, Fidalgo Island Rotary shifted to meet online using the app ZOOM! At first, meetings were a way to socialize with members while we were apart, but eventually morphed back into a typical morning meeting. The link for the coming week's meeting is sent out at the beginning of the week. Members log on to Zoom Tuesday mornings just before 7 a.m., from the comfort of their own homes. The meeting starts with a program, followed by a time for questions and then proceeds to Happy/Sad Dollars or social time, as time allows. We've had speakers from as far away as Guatemala and as close as the Anacortes Chamber of Commerce. We're not sure how long we'll meet online or what meetings will look like in coming months, but we know that there has never been a better time to check out Rotary! Roll out of bed, brew some coffee and log on (just remember to put on pants, please!)
To be added to our Zoom mailing list and join our meetings, email: fir.theFUNclub@gmail.com. OR, feel free to pass this message on to any friend, family or coworker who might be interested in joining us on Tuesday mornings!
To be added to our Zoom mailing list and join our meetings, email: fir.theFUNclub@gmail.com. OR, feel free to pass this message on to any friend, family or coworker who might be interested in joining us on Tuesday mornings!